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Here I want to provide a place to share experience with mental health care treatment of severe psychiatric health issues.

The exact setup is open to change but privacy first priority. The name is a bad English translation of the Dutch for "more matie" inspired by my one and only hallucination where I saw a vision of my other/opposite self.

A friend of mine made the painting which expresses mainly the perfect beauty and my association with a mermaid but not the strictly friendly nature while it's way to explicitly female:

Painting Hallucination

I spent 16 years learning about my own manual on how to deal with manic psychosis when stressed and reclusive habits on the other pole of my bipolar or schizoaffective disorder:

me manual

I needed and need all those things to stay out the societal garbage-bin and help myself with the correct behavioural response to stress, correct food and variable correct dosage of prescribed medicine (antipsychotic and mood stabilizer and for extreme situations: a calming/sleeping drug).